Kayla Blanding

Kayla Blanding

My name is Kayla Blanding. I am a runner, food technologist, and former chef with an Associate degree in Culinary Arts and went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Science (Culinology). After several years working in kitchens, I decided to pursue my science degree and I now work in the food industry for a flavor company. Since leaving the restaurant scene, I have rekindled my love for cooking in my own home.

After crossing the finish lines of marathons, people are surprised when I tell them I don’t consider myself an “athletic” person, but to me, running is more than just physical health. Running is a lifestyle that has had a positive impact on my mental and social health and taught me that I am capable of more than I could have ever imagined. Run to eat. Eat to run. Which is it? I think it is both! Turns out, cooking pairs really well with running. I love creating new dishes, both healthy and indulgent, to fuel my love for running. As part of the “Health Perspectives” collection, I’ll be sharing a collection of running-minded recipes and marathon training ramblings. I hope to take what I’ve learned in culinary school and restaurants and teach people how to make balanced and mostly nutritious meals to fuel them to their next finish line. #runcookrepeat