Ilse Fierro

Ilse Fierro

Healthcare advocate and “In Our Own Skin” contributor Ilse Fierro joins host Mike Trovato for the twelfth episode of the Whatismyhealth podcast, “Health on a WIMH.” If you could create your "ideal" self, would you make yourself problem-free? How do we take pride in our own self-identity and tune out anxiety-triggering negativity? How important is it for us to feel included and understood, even if it means placing labels ourselves?

Mental health can be difficult to conceptualize because we can’t see it the same way as we could see a physical ailment. As we search for self-acceptance, we sometimes fight so hard just to feel comfortable with what we already have. There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance, and sometimes, labels can be a way to fit in.

The medical community tells us that the number we see on our scale is associated with well-being, but weight does not define our self-worth. Ilse and Mike explore the different and often seemingly elusive versions of what it is to be "healthy." Ilse reflects on how identifying as bisexual helped her to feel like she belonged to something after years of hiding her sexuality.

Date: October 3-31st, 2018