A Little Tune-Up

If you’ve been following along with me on my musical journey, you know by now the hugely important role that music has played in my life since I was a little kid. It has always been a vehicle for me, one that I’ve used to express myself, create bonds with others, and learn more about myself.

So far, I’ve taken a very introspective approach to my writing for “Being In Tune,” addressing day to day feelings, situations, and thoughts and associating it all with a song a day. There’s been some variation at times, like exploring genres and sharing underground artists, but all in all, it’s really been centered around, well, me! This approach has taught me so much about myself and has given me invaluable insight into some of my own “stuff” that maybe I wouldn’t have realized without the help of a relatable tune.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been branching out a bit from the music scene, writing instead about my recent developments in the art world. I had been trying to come to terms with why I was hesitant to paint. After a few weeks of blogging, I started to get some insight, and even painted for the first time in months.

In addition to feeling accomplished and proud, I realized that I was in need of an adjustment in my approach to painting. I made a shift, from seeing the activity as one of seven healthy habits to choose from (and therefore easy to avoid), towards making a point of painting two times last month. The adjustment made my goal more concrete, and the parameters around it made me more likely to get it done while still retaining some flexibility.

Seven healthy habits (May 31, 2017)

Seven healthy habits (May 31, 2017)


There’s been a lot happening with me lately, and a lot of transitions going on. Because of these changes, it’s not only been tougher for me to maintain my healthy habits, but it’s also gotten tougher to maintain a Monday-Friday playlist each week. Writing an emotional and thoughtful reflection each day takes time and consideration, and though beneficial, it’s become a little ambitious for where I’m at right now!

After 23 playlists, a ton of self-discovery, and a change in my routine, I feel like I’m in need of a shift in my musical writing. The introspective approach has served me well, but it’s time to remix this business (Pitch Perfect pun for the win!).

via Pinterest

via Pinterest


Recently, I’ve started delving more into the community aspect of music, using social media as a platform to create connections with some of you that I may not have had before. Reaching out to all of you has created a new opportunity to communicate through music, and it’s got me really, really excited. I’ve loved learning about what your musical preferences are, what you’re listening to at any given time, and what your go-to songs are for different parts of life.

So, I’m bringing you all in for a giant group hug! I will be taking a new approach and adding a series to this blog where your input is highlighted. I need you. I need your contributions, your opinions, and your voice to help me expand “Being In Tune” into even more of a community effort. Keep it coming, friends, and keep tuning in!

The new "Being In Tune" series starts Wednesday, November 29th, 2017.
Share your contributions in The Whatismyhealth Community, and at the bottom of the page.

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