Living in the Moment: Taking the Leap

If you've been following my blog, it is no secret how much I love to sing. I really think it is my favorite thing to do, and has the power to have an incredible effect on my mood and mindset. Auditioning for show choir and the a’cappella group was nerve-wracking, even after having several big time auditions and performances under my belt. Still, I needed to take the leap because it would be worth it to put myself out there doing something I love. And from it I gained some of the best friends I’ve ever made— Cara, Kristen, Luigi, Steve, and of course, Alex.

I've written before about Alex, who I met during show choir. We were one of four upperclassmen in the group so in many ways, she and I, with the help of our friends Cara and Steve, spearheaded things and kept the group going. I remember auditioning, having fun but also being skeptical of what the group was about and if I was even interested in joining. I didn't even pick up when I got the phone call about whether I had made it or not because I hadn't decided if I wanted to accept or decline. After some thinking I figured it was worth a shot, and man, am I glad I said yes.

Even my admittance into graduate school happened because of an out-of-the-blue decision. I had gotten a job as a special education teacher's aide one year after graduating, and after two years of work, I began stewing over what would come next for me. I knew I couldn't be a TA forever but wasn't quite sure what to do next. I had the notion that I would have to go back to school at some point, seeing as I majored in Art and knew I didn't want to make a living selling paintings, but practical and at-times-hesitant me was not ready to take any leaps.

I found information about a Creative Arts Therapy conference at my alma mater and thought, "Why not, a little information can't hurt." The field was something I had been interested in but knew little about, so I decided I'd go and learn what I could. I sat for the first workshop and lo and behold, one of the presenters was from my hometown! The proactive side of my brain knew I should probably introduce myself to someone at the conference, but the introvert in me was terrified to speak up. I took this hometown bond as a kick in the butt to open up.

After the workshop was over I introduced myself to both presenters. We chatted for a few minutes and I somehow mustered up the courage to ask if the main presenter, Sam, would consider taking me on as a volunteer for that summer. She is an art therapist, and seemed very nice, so I figured why not dip my toes in the water and see how it felt?

Sam agreed and took me on for July and August of 2014. I loved my volunteer experience, and by the time my last few weeks were rolling around, she had helped me decide to enroll in graduate school that coming January. Sam played such a big role in my life in a short few months, but had I not taken the chance and gone to the conference and had I not met her, I may not be where I am today: a Master of Arts in Creative Arts Therapy.

We all make decisions at some point in our lives that turn out to be pivotal moments. In part 3, I’ll talk about how these moments can change our future entirely and shape who we are today.

Who in your life might you never have met if you hadn’t taken a leap of faith?
Share your comments at the bottom of the page.

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