Keeping a Focus on Fitness: 3 Steps to Consistency

We have all hit that “rut” at some point. That lack of workout motivation. The one where we have no direction and we’re just working out for the sake of working out.

The reasons to not workout or to skip this day are vast— there’s work, kids, homework, injuries, errands, obligations, boredom, and no signs of getting better— and the reasons to work out can feel small and tasking. In my experience, I have found a few things that really help me stay the course. When working out starts feeling monotonous, these things help me to find new vigor for working out:

Keeping a Focus on Fitness: 3 Steps to Consistency


1. “Me First” Intention

To stay consistent with our fitness, set a “me first” intention. That means before the kids, before the chores, the dog, the bf/gf, hubby/wifey, non-binary sun-and-moon presence. It’s ok to be a little “selfish.”

Your self-care is just as important as those things, if not more important. Your workout, whether it’s running, yoga, bike riding, swimming, walking, or meditation, is a part of what is going to help you succeed at all the things life throws at you. Put yourself first, or at least find a way to put them all together with sacrificing “ME.”


2. Have a POA (Plan of Action)

Set a plan for the day you have set the “me first” intention. If you are like me and you plan out your life, plan your workouts and what you are going to do. Once your plan of action is set, don't forget you set it and you will not break it. If nothing makes you reschedule your doctor appointment, treat your fitness the same way and do not reschedule your workouts, either.

3. Be a “Goal Digger”

This is all about accountability. It’s important to be accountable to yourself. I like to set goals for myself— I set goals for the week, the month, the quarter, and the year, but you can start small by setting short-term SMART goals.

SMART goals.png

Your short-term goals can be simple:

  • Over the next 7 days, I will complete 3 workouts.”

Don’t just think these have to be only fitness goals, either:

  • "Over the next 7 days, I will allow myself 1 ‘cheat’ meal.”

  • “Over the next 7 days, I will eat no added sugar, and drink no alcohol.”

  • “Over the next 7 days, I will go to sleep at 10 p.m. each night.”

Whatever your goals are, make sure they’re measurable and achievable. Making your goal a SMART goal will help you crush it! I hope these help guide you on the path to keeping things fresh and so clean.

What prevents you from working out? What helps you keep your focus on fitness?
Share your comments at the bottom of the page.

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